Avallone is the industry-leading platform for enterprise KYC handling - be it KYC collection or KYC response.
Banking-grade security. Consumer-grade design and usability.

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Transform and innovate

Cohesive KYC management

Engineered to simplify your KYC processes and enhance other business operations functions like legal entity management, Avallone's KYC Hub empowers organizations to meticulously create, manage and visualize legal entity structures with defined ownership and control levels - and more - all within a singular, cohesive environment.

This robust platform also doubles as a sophisticated document management system, ensuring that critical KYC documents are organized, secure, and easily accessible. With Avallone, you can elevate the precision, efficiency and operational clarity of your team's processes, so you can reach new levels of innovation with your KYC.

Document management system

One central repository for all corporate documents

One source of truth across your entire organization

Include both internal and external notes to the documents

Automated expiration warnings for all documents

Granular permission levels to tailor access to sensitive documents

Smart validation

Validate UBOs across any legal entity in your company structure

Hassle free generation of UBO reports for presentation at your annual general meeting

Automatic calculation of indirect ownership/UBOs

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Want to learn more about Avallone KYC?

Talk to one of our KYC experts to see how Avallone can revolutionize your KYC processes.
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Features overview

Dashboard overview

Get a complete overview of your KYC work - including ongoing and pending tasks

Document management system

Keep track of all your important KYC company documents in one safe location

Company structure charts

Easily generate visual company structures of all your entities  

Officer management

Manage all your company officers and their information in one, safe place

Built-in GDPR compliance

GDPR compliance is at the heart of Avallone - with our features supporting and facilitating adherence

Company-managed officers

Manage documents and identities on behalf of officers who are too busy to keep their information up to date

Entity management

Keep all of your entities updated in one central location

UBO reports

Easily generate UBO reports with just a few clicks

Activity log

Understand and monitor what's happening within your platform

Expiration management

Keep track of documents that are about to expire with our notification system

What our customer say

Testimonials from a few of our first customers

"We experienced an exponential increase in complexity and frequency of KYC requests over a short period. Therefore we were looking to standardize the process for all KYC requests. Avallone leads us to increase efficiency and a higher level of compliance."
Martin Gregersen
Head of Group Treasury, Scan Global Logistics
"When Avallone approached us we where about to hire 2 people just to help us with the onboarding and due diligence for establishing our entities."
Bo Holse Rasmussen
"I must say I am very impressed by Customer Success’ quick feedback and openness towards our questions, ideas and suggestions. Great job!"
Martin Gregersen
Head of Group Treasury, Scan Global Logistics
"We onboard investors, so we see a prospective to use Avallone for outbound KYC as well. And knowing Anders’ track record and just seeing the platform, was an immediate sell for us."
Bo Holse Rasmussen

Frequently asked questions

What banks accept the KYC packages from the Avallone platform?

All banks across the world. We enable companies to reply to any possible questions or document requests that they may receive. When sharing the KYC package to the bank, the company can choose to share it via secure link sharing, by using their email or even by printing and sending it physically. No matter what format your bank would like, Avallone can enable it.

Who owns the data on the platform?

You do. All the data that you use within Avallone belongs to your company, so you can decide what you want to share and who you want to share it with.

What if a bank insists on using its own KYC questionnaire template?

No problem. Just give us their template, and Avallone will make sure that the relevant data fields from the platform are populated into the specific bank questionnaire for your review and verification. When you're happy with your KYC response, it's simple to provide it the bank with our secure link sharing. 

Are you trying to compete with KYC utilities such as Invidem and SWIFT KYC registry? 

No. KYC utilities are an important part of the KYC ecosystem. As these are owned by and made for the banks, Avallone sees them as our colleagues and partners. The Avallone platform is developed together with and for corporate treasurers and legal departments to help you collect, structure and share your KYC information with banks, KYC utilities and other 3rd parties requesting this from you.

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