
Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is a systematic process designed to identify, evaluate and mitigate potential exposure to risks associated with a customer or business relationship. The primary objective is to determine the level of risk a customer poses regarding money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or other financial crimes. This process is crucial for financial institutions and businesses to ensure regulatory compliance and protect the integrity of their operations - in particular when it comes to performing KYC, KYB, KYCC and/or KYS, and in global banking, risk assessments form the foundation of a sound sanctions compliance program. 

The primary purpose of this is to drive improvements in financial crime risk management with the identification of general and specific sanctions risks that a financial institution could face, the ways in which these risks are mitigated by their sanctions compliance program controls and any additional controls to mitigate the residual risk that could remain. This leads to the ability for the business to comprehend its risk profile and then calculate its risk appetite for their business involvement - particularly in situations in which there could be a higher potential of sanctions risk.

The components of a risk assessment include collecting comprehensive data on the customer, which encompasses identification details, business activities, financial history and relevant documentation. This KYC information forms the foundation of the risk assessment. Next, a detailed customer profile is created, capturing their financial behavior, transaction patterns, geographic location and affiliations with high-risk jurisdictions or entities.

Identifying specific risk factors is another critical component. These factors may include geographic risk, transaction risk, product or service risk and industry risk. Geographic risk assesses the customer's location and its associated risk level based on regulatory standards and known issues. Transaction risk involves analyzing the size, frequency and nature of transactions to identify unusual or suspicious patterns. Product or service risk evaluates the risk linked to the products or services the customer uses or offers, while industry risk considers the sector in which the customer operates, as some sectors are more prone to financial crimes.

After identifying risk factors, a risk score is assigned to the customer based on these factors, categorizing them into different risk levels such as low, medium or high risk. For high-risk customers, enhanced due diligence (EDD) is conducted, involving more in-depth investigations and continuous monitoring. EDD includes verifying additional documentation, understanding the source of funds and performing regular reviews.

Then comes risk evaluation, where the severity and likelihood of each identified risk are analyzed through transaction patterns, customer behavior and external risk indicators. If needed, risk mitigation will be set up - where measures are implemented to address identified risks, such as ongoing monitoring, additional verification steps and restricting certain transactions. The entire risk assessment process and its findings must be documented, and any suspicious activities should be reported to relevant authorities as required by law.


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