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The Avallone Values

Our values are the foundation for what everyone at Avallone cares about the most and strives for each and every day.


We are loyal, fair and accountable


Be who you are - it's your contribution that counts


We put ourselves in our customers' shoes


We always act as owners            


We never take victory for granted and rarely accept defeat

H at Avallone stands for our value: Honor.


We are loyal, fair and accountable

We are who others can count on
We act with integrity, honesty and accuracy
Own your mistakes and share victories
We do the right thing, not the easy thing
Speaking and doing are the same action


Be who you are - it's your contribution that counts

We focus on your passion, capabilities and desire to grow
Great achievements come through joint efforts
We show care through constructive and timely feedback
We always assume positive intent
Every opinion counts, but logic and facts win
E at Avallone stands for our value: Edge.
E at Avallone stands for our value: Empathy.


We put ourselves in our customers' shoes

The customer is the real boss;
everyone else is here to make them happy
Customer pain is our pain: we understand it and solve it
We obsess about creating outstanding user experiences
We protect customer data as if it was our own
We are only vain about customer feedback


We always act as owners

Don’t expect someone else to fix it  
We are all Avallone evangelists
We’re purpose driven and understand the why
We spend money as if it was our own
We continuously hunt sustainable revenue
O at Avallone stands for our value: Ownership.
C at Avallone stands for our value: Conquer.


We never take victory for granted and rarely accept defeat

We execute with urgency and fierce intent
Thinking too small is much riskier than thinking too big
When prepared, fear nothing
We see mistakes as enablers for our next wins
We win big, we celebrate big

On starting a company

We want to build something from the ground up and put everything we’ve learned into it. We want to create an organization with a culture and set of values that reflect who we are - and that we can look back at and be proud of. We have a strong urge to prove that we can forge an unquestionable success - financially and on any other dimension that matters for a company. We are hard-working, results-driven, hungry - and we have actively deselected the relative comfort of taking a job for someone else.